A new festival is being planned under the auspices of RTV Slovenia, with the working title Days of Slovenian Popular Music. It will be held in Ljubljana on February 2016. Foto: Žiga Culiberg
A new festival is being planned under the auspices of RTV Slovenia, with the working title Days of Slovenian Popular Music. It will be held in Ljubljana on February 2016. Foto: Žiga Culiberg

Days of Slovenian Popular Music have been envisaged as a long-term music project of festival nights, by which RTV Slovenija would offer the opportunity to perform to music creators and performers of different music genres. With this project the national television wishes to encourage development of the Slovenian popular music, and widen the spectre of the valued songs with new music trends, attracting a wide circle of creators of different music genres.

Entertainment Programme at the RTV Slovenija, Music Production at RTV Slovenija, and Radio Slovenija have joined forces in preparations for the festival. The public tender for cooperation at the festival is almost closed. Next year there will be two competition nights, the contest for the best song 1016, and for the best pop-rock song 2016, with not more than 12 compositions competing.