The role of the school is to strengthen the pupil’s curiosity and enthusiasm for schoolwork. However, Vinko Logaj, from the Education Institute, says that it is true that through their years of schooling many youths lose the motivation for schoolwork. But if we manage to convince a youngster that knowledge is important in life, that it strengthens a person’s social skills and performance, he will probably develop less resistance towards school. Grown-ups often pass on their attitude towards schoolwork to the young.
Mirjana Ule, a professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences, finds that the relationship developed between parents and schools has become schizophrenic; parents wish to have control over their children’s work in school, and teachers meet the request by sending them all the details about their children’s schoolwork. At the same time schools stress that they have no authority and everyone is fighting to get better marks. Professor Ule says that in order to have success in life, it is important to have the social skills and knowledge to solve problems, the capability to work in groups, to be compassionate, to cooperate and have moral virtues.
Nataša Lang, Radio Slovenija; translated by K. J.