November is forecast to be grey and wet. Photo: Pixabay Foto:
November is forecast to be grey and wet. Photo: Pixabay Foto:

Ljubljana saw only 100 hours of sunshine in September – the lowest number since records began in 1951, ARSO said, adding that the weather in October was surprisingly good: “October was unusually warm and dry. Most parts of Slovenia saw 170 to 200 hours of sunshine in October – about 20 to 80 hours more than usual. It was the sunniest October since 1971.”

What’s in store for us in November?
“The recent period of stable weather seems to be drawing to an end,” ARSO said, adding that Slovenia is in for a wet spell. “On Sunday, rain will be seen in the west. Monday will see rain spread to most parts of the country. It will be rather rainy until next Friday. The coastal region will see less cloud,” ARSO’s Facebook page reads.

On Saturday, it will be partly sunny in the north-east, but cloudy elsewhere. Fog will linger in some parts of the coastal region. A south-westerly wind is expected there, with an increased chance of rain in the afternoon.

On Sunday, it will be rainy in the west, but it will stay dry elsewhere. It will be partly sunny in the east. A south-westerly wind will blow inland, and a southerly wind is expected in the coastal region. On Sunday night, the rain will spread across the country. A north-easterly wind is expected inland, while a bora will pick up in the coastal region. Monday and Tuesday will be cool and rainy. Temperatures will stand around 10 degrees Celsius.