By calling a free phone number, pensioners and the disabled will be able to book transport to health practitioners, pharmacies and administrative bodies a couple of days in advance. Foto: BoBo
By calling a free phone number, pensioners and the disabled will be able to book transport to health practitioners, pharmacies and administrative bodies a couple of days in advance. Foto: BoBo

This is an important development in the field of the mobility of vulnerable groups, says Novo mesto mayor Gregor Macedoni. "The service will be available across the entire municipality. As we know, until now urban passenger transport encompassed only the town community, but now we will be able to provide a public transport service for a wider group of inhabitants."

The system will operate from Monday to Friday. By calling a free phone number, pensioners and the disabled will be able to book transport to health practitioners, pharmacies and administrative bodies a couple of days in advance. The Municipality arranges the lease of an electric vehicle and the call system via Zlata mreža, whereas the association of Novo mesto pensioners will provide volunteer drivers. There are currently eleven of them being trained, says Rožca Šonc, the association's president. "Two of them are female volunteers."
The system will be upgraded in the light of initial reactions.