Around 75 percent of Slovenian drivers use their mobile phones while driving, even though the use of phones makes people less attentive and significantly decreases their reaction time. Foto: BoBo
Around 75 percent of Slovenian drivers use their mobile phones while driving, even though the use of phones makes people less attentive and significantly decreases their reaction time. Foto: BoBo

Until the end of this week the police will be conducting stricter control on drivers using mobile phones or other devices while driving. In cooperation with the Public Agency for Traffic Safety the police want to raise the public’s awareness about the dangers of using a phone while driving. At the same time the Public Agency for Traffic Safety proposes stricter legislation in the field. The current fine for those using electronic devices while driving is 120 euros. The agency proposes that the fine be increased to 250 euros, with the addition of three penalty points for the driver.

Last year, the police issued 26,391 fines of the use of mobile phones while driving and 3,161 warnings. That’s almost twice more than the year before! The police say that drivers are not aware of the dangers of using mobile phones when on the road.