Opening lines by the hosts, actor Uroš Smolej and singer Alenka Godec, were accompanied with the festival’s orchestra playing in the background. Foto: Jani Ugrin
Opening lines by the hosts, actor Uroš Smolej and singer Alenka Godec, were accompanied with the festival’s orchestra playing in the background. Foto: Jani Ugrin

The festival was broadcast on Channel 1 of TV Slovenija. Opening lines by the hosts, actor Uroš Smolej and singer Alenka Godec, were accompanied with the festival's orchestra playing in the background. As a lead-in into the contest, l Kaj je to življenje (What Is This Life).

The following twelve performers took part in the contest: Matjaž Kumelj, Nuška Drašček, Omar Naber, Aleksandr Novak, Mon'ami, Slavko Ivančič, Po drugi strani, Zala Smolnikar, Gašper Rifelj, Jana Šušteršič, Alex Volasko and Darja Švajger.

P. B., MMC; translated by K. Z.