Igor Bišćan has made the biggest imprint on European soccer while playing for Liverpool between the years 2001 and 2005, winning the title of the European champion in Istanbul in 2005. Photo: Borut Živulović/BoBo Foto:
Igor Bišćan has made the biggest imprint on European soccer while playing for Liverpool between the years 2001 and 2005, winning the title of the European champion in Istanbul in 2005. Photo: Borut Živulović/BoBo Foto:

"I'm looking forward to new challenges. Olimpija is a big club with a lot of potential and good conditions to succeed. I've analysed this year's matches of Olimpija carefully, including the role of each player. The work starts now, there's not really plenty of time," explained the new strategist of Ljubljana's largest football club.

"I expect a brave, determined, disciplined Olimpija that will make its fans proud," emphasized Bišćan at a press conference. He will demand a "maximum" approach from all players, since this brings good results. Everyone that works for the club will need to take their positions seriously and responsibly: "I know this is a worn-out phrase, but I expect from the team to show discipline and responsibility when the play, so that the fans will be proud of them. Every player needs to give his maximum on the field. Everyone who dons the jersey has to act in a way that the spectators can see from a plane or a stand that they care."

The new coach also revealed that the management was considering hiring new players who could help Olimpija, but refused to elaborate on the potential newcomers.

Bišćan's head assistant will be Ante Tomić, who played 29 matches for Koper in Slovenia's first league in seasons 2010/11, 2014/15 and 2015/16, while the position of the fitness trainer will be filled with Vedran Naglić.

M. L., D. S., MMC; translated by K. Z.