Omar Naber failed to place among 25 performers which will appear in the finals scheduled for Saturday evening. Foto: MMC/Sandi Fišer
Omar Naber failed to place among 25 performers which will appear in the finals scheduled for Saturday evening. Foto: MMC/Sandi Fišer

35-year old singer from Ljubljana failed to place among 25 performers which will appear in the finals scheduled for Saturday evening. The morning after presenting himself to the European audience with his ballad On My Way, Omar talked to David Urankar on the TV show Dobro jutro.
The self-confident singer described his performance with superlatives: "I am absolutely satisfied with my performance, I gave my maximum. I wouldn't change anything, not even a second, as I had studied every single detail to perfection. I don't see what could be changed, or improved. We took our whole team to Ukraine to set the stage, lights… The organizers complied with all our requests, we were completely satisfied."
Naber who represented Slovenia in Kiev already in 2005, is convinced that Eurovision is a much wider event, not only a song contest. "I believe I would deserve a place in the finals, but I know that music is not the only factor at Eurovision. Honestly, I didn't know what to expect. Obviously, everything is unpredictable at Eurovision, and it is very ungrateful to predict results. It is a festival where not only music plays the leading role. I was prepared for the possibility to fail placing into the finals. We are a small country and can't take everything so seriously as e.g. Azerbaijan or other countries. Promotion is extremely important as well. We don't have 60 or 80 million inhabitants and can't keep up with such countries."
But Eurovision goes on, naturally. The second semi-finals will be held on Thursday, and the finals on Saturday.

A. P. J., MMC; translated by G. K.