The most important weapon at prevention of suicidal behaviour is honest conversation, and the ability to feel for another human being. Foto: Reuters
The most important weapon at prevention of suicidal behaviour is honest conversation, and the ability to feel for another human being. Foto: Reuters

Last year 425 people took their own lives, 333 males and 92 females. Consequently, the suicidal quotient has increased from last year to 20.60.

In the Carinthia region an exceptional increase in the number of suicides was noticed; the suicidal quotient almost doubled in size, as last year a suicide was committed by 20 males and 6 females; the last being a female whose body was found in the Drava river last week. The question Why? remains unanswered.

"Speaking for the eastern part of the country, we might say that the most important risk factor are the lower gross product of the region; we have a lot of rural areas, and the stigma persists. Often diagnosis related to alcohol are present," Nina Pogorevc from the Regional Institute of Public Healthcare Ravne explains.

A momentary distress was almost fatal for the person who shared his story with us, but wished to remain anonymous. "I haven't planned to commit a suicide. I was forced into it by anxiety, sorrow, loneliness. My decision was made instantly – I swallowed some two hundred pills and locked myself in my room. I was saved by a professional; they broke into my room. A moment later I might have acted differently."

A number of non-governmental organisations are great help to people in distress. "We are doing our best to develop our programmes. We work on long-term problems and distress which are bothering people with mental health problems. We have a special programme dedicated to people with such problems, counselling offices with day centres people can call anonymously," Metka Rednak Glažar from the Altra Society explained.

The most important weapon at prevention of suicidal behaviour is honest conversation, and the ability to feel for another human being.

Katja Gole, TV Slovenija

Translated by G. K.