Two candidates  for the new Central Bank deputy governor are under evaluation. Foto: BoBo
Two candidates for the new Central Bank deputy governor are under evaluation. Foto: BoBo

However in the secret vote at the beginning of July, Fabijan was one vote short of being confirmed another mandate, mostly due to the Central Bank's role in the difficult situation the banking system was in. This time there are two new candidates under evaluation - the deputy head of the Bank Association of Slovenia, Irena Vodopivec, and Primož Dolenc, who, according to Internet search results, last worked as a professor at the University of Primorska.

So, do the two new candidates enjoy party support? The biggest coalition party, the Party of the Modern Centre – SMC, says it finds both candidates acceptable. The SD Social Democrats give the advantage to Irena Vodopivec, while the Pensioners' Party Desus favours Dolenc. The NSi New Slovenia party won't oppose the new candidates, but will most likely not even support them. The United Left will also not support any of the two candidates. At the moment the opposition SDS has no official position on the issue. Nevertheless it will be interesting to see the details which will surface alongside the name of the candidate which Pahor will send to the National Assembly. The public is already mentioning the year 2006 in connection to Dolenc, which was a year when he was dismissed as the executive director of Intereuropa because of the questionable purchase of shares for the head of the company at that time, Andrej Lovšin.