The main topic of discussions at the Munich Security Conference is numerous crises the world and Europe are facing – from migrant crisis in Europe to crises in Syria and Ukraine, terrorist threats, climate changes, dangerous epidemics and more. Foto: Reuters
The main topic of discussions at the Munich Security Conference is numerous crises the world and Europe are facing – from migrant crisis in Europe to crises in Syria and Ukraine, terrorist threats, climate changes, dangerous epidemics and more. Foto: Reuters

Slovenia’s president attended the Munich Security Conference this Saturday. He said that last year “we became aware that the world is producing more problems than it solves, and we stared in astonishment at this reality”. “A year later, we know that things have only got worse, but most people, including me, now believe that something needs to be done to solve the problems in a peaceful way,” added Pahor.

Worried about Medvedev’s statement
In reference to Saturday’s statement by Russian PM Dmitry Medvedev about a new cold war between Russia and the West, Pahor said he was quite upset by it, as many people were.

Pahor later asked Medvedev if he had truly felt his statement to be justified, and learnt that Medvedev still thinks the world has not slid into such position yet. “I told him I hope this won’t happen. And I told him that I consider the use of such statement to be very unfortunate. Because this is like the Chinese proverb, you can’t throw rice all over the floor and pick it up, but the words that are thrown into a space can’t be taken back. Yet, he said it, it has attracted attention, and I think it has put the conference – which tries to be constructive – a step back,” concluded Pahor.