"If a small country has a great idea, it can reach the world," Pahor said. Foto: Reuters

"If a small country has a great idea, it can reach the world," Pahor said, adding that over the past 20 years the idea of ​​a demining fund has grown into an organization that serves as a framework for cooperation of several dozen countries and has saved tens of thousands of lives around the world. "This is one of Slovenia’s three main initiatives in the international community today – the ITF, the Bled Strategic Forum and the Brdo-Brioni Process. If we have an idea, the world also listens to a small country, which is a great opportunity for us in the future," explained Pahor.

At the event, attended by Foreign Minister Miro Cerar, ITF Director Tomaž Lovrenčič and representatives of the State Department, Pahor pointed out the importance of removing mines –minefields not only directly threaten human lives but indirectly affect all areas of life such as agriculture, entrepreneurship, and, last but not least, the education of children whose mobility is threatened by landmines.