Pahor once again called for greater political unity in the country. Foto: BoBo
Pahor once again called for greater political unity in the country. Foto: BoBo

"It is important for Slovenia taking into account the discussions for a mini-Schengen area. These are only informal ideas which exist in certain countries, but we should take them very seriously," warned President Borut Pahor talking to the STA news agency. Slovenia’s political establishment has to act in a unified way and in connection to Slovenia’s strategic interests.

It has to act in such a way for Slovenia to remain in the most connected part of the EU, Pahor reminded of his speech in the National Assembly at the beginning of the month. "We must not allow the frontier of the most connected part of the EU to be moved from our southern border to the Karawanken range. It is of strategic national importance," he repeated and added that with that in mind "Slovenia has to carefully pay attention to such signals, which have in this case come from Amsterdam. We have to realize that some views have already shifted from certain political circles to the wider public".

Slovenia needs political unity Pahor once again called for greater political unity in the country: "Now, it is especially important to try reach a common view. Even in the case of the refugee crisis, I have recommended that the parliament adopts a plan on future action." If the action plan is created in cooperation with the opposition, that sort of unity would then enable the government to react in a more calculated, predictable and especially in a more expeditious manner. At the same time the government would also enjoy higher support and trust from the wider public, Pahor is convinced.

G. K.; translated by K. J.