The President of the Republic Borut Pahor said that it would be in the interest of Slovenia should certain processes start among countries sharing common interests, which would eventually bring about a new EU constitution with federal character. Foto: BoBo
The President of the Republic Borut Pahor said that it would be in the interest of Slovenia should certain processes start among countries sharing common interests, which would eventually bring about a new EU constitution with federal character. Foto: BoBo

The President of the Republic Borut Pahor said that it would be in the interest of Slovenia should certain processes start among countries sharing common interests, which would eventually bring about a new EU constitution with federal character. Pahor believes that at first the classification of countries will occur based on their consideration of the next step of integration, and in the opinion of the President Slovenia should remain among the most closely connected.

According to Pahor Slovenia is capable of surviving on its own, but it would be much easier to do it together, with other nations within a strong Europe. "It's high time we offered institutional and other solutions without hesitation. If nothing happens, and in the absence of a vision, the disintegration of the Union will continue." Pahor met with Great Britain ambassador Sophie Honey. They agreed on the great interest in further cooperation of the two states.

Cerar: I expect consolidation of the Union
The president of the government Miro Cerar expects the procedure for exit of Great Britain from the EU to start soon, according to the Treaty of Lisbon, but he intends to support the survival of the European Union. "I am convinced that the referendum decision in favour of exit will, after a short period of relative uncertainty of international markets, lead to a consolidation of the Union, and encourage its reform."

The reform should, in Cerar's opinion, make us capable of facing the modern challenges with more efficiency, more solidarity, determination and connectedness. "It's time we earnestly dedicated ourselves again to our common future," Cerar claims that Slovenia remains strongly committed to further consolidation of the EU. He does not expect any direct consequences of Brexit.

Erjavec: A tough test for both Great Britain and the EU
The Foreign Minister Karl Erjavec deeply regrets the British voters' decision, and claims that it will be a tough test for both Great Britain and the EU. As reported by STA, he emphasized the importance of considering the reasons leading to such decision, some of the reasons being also the too great emphasize on bureaucracy, and the remoteness of the EU from its citizens.

L. L. , Al. Ma.
Translated by G. K.