The Athletes of the Year - judoist Tina Trstenjak and ski jumper Peter Prevc. Foto: BoBo
The Athletes of the Year - judoist Tina Trstenjak and ski jumper Peter Prevc. Foto: BoBo

The Association of Sport Journalists bestowed the awards at the traditional event in the Cankar Hall. 119 sport journalists gave their votes.
During the previous season Prevc won the New Year's tour, became the world champion in ski flights, and, to wrap things up, won also the Large Crystal Globe. Trstenjak became the Olympic champion in Rio de Janeiro in the category up to 63 kilograms.
"Lynx" ahead of handball players
The hockey national team of Slovenia was chosen as the team of the year; in September they assured their appearance at the Pyeongchang Olympic games, for the second time in a row they made it to the Olympic tournament. The Lynx selector Nik Zupančič received the award from the hand of Dušan Hauptman. The hockey players (61 votes) placed ahead of handball players (49) and kayakers (5).

"We are lucky that the members of our national team play in strong leagues and good clubs. They have very demanding seasons, but once they join the national team they bring all that as well. The team spirit takes care of everything, and the combination makes such good results possible. The players forming the frame of the team are in their best mature years, and I hope it will remain so for some time, but slowly we will have to fill in the empty spaces," the selector Zupančič described this extremely successful generation of the Lynx.

The Association of Sport Journalists has been awarding the best athletes since 1968.