Franci Petek, Enzo Smrekar and Igor E. Bergant have prepared an ingenious presentation of Planica. Foto: SZS
Franci Petek, Enzo Smrekar and Igor E. Bergant have prepared an ingenious presentation of Planica. Foto: SZS

The 2020 Ski Flight World Championship will be held in the valley Pod Poncami. It was a unanimous decision. "Planica with new, modern facilities will organize another unforgettable Ski Flight World Championship, with huge support by fans," Gianfranco Kasper, President of the International Ski Federation, explained their unanimous decision.
Oberstdorf successful at fifth try
Trondtheim was the third contender for the organisation of the 2021 Nordic World Ski Championship. The decision was announced by Kasper at 2.05 a.m., Slovenian time. Oberstdorf hosted the Nordic World Ski Chamionship in 1987 and 2005. Their candidacy in Mexico was their fifth in a row; two years ago in Barcelona they lost against Seefeld with 8:9. The German team was extremely happy; the loud cheering when Kasper opened the envelope was understandable after four rejected candidacies (in 2008, 2010, 2012 and 2014).

Trondheim organized the championship in 1997, but the Norwegians hosted the best ski jumpers, cross country skiers and Nordic combined athletes also in 2011 in Oslo. Planica was a candidate already in 2012 and 2014, but unsuccessfully.

The decision was made by the 17 members of the FIS presidency, Janez Kocijančič being one of them.
2021 Alpine World Ski Championship in Cortina
The best Alpine skiers of the world will meet in 2021 in Cortina D'Ampezzo; the Italians were successful with their candidacy in their fifth try. The Chinese ski resort Zhangjiakou/Genting was unanimously elected as the organizer of the 2021 Freestyle Ski and Snowboard World Championship. At 2022 Winter Olympic Games races in both disciplines will be held there as well.