Prime Minister Miro Cerar fielded questions from MPs during Friday’s Q&A session. Foto: Državni zbor
Prime Minister Miro Cerar fielded questions from MPs during Friday’s Q&A session. Foto: Državni zbor

"According to data released by the Court of Audit, each migrant costs taxpayers 1930 euros a month. The Constitution states that 'Slovenia is a state governed by the rule of law and a social state', so this is clearly unconstitutional," said Grims during Friday's Q&A session. He also lamented that foreigners were being housed in what he called luxury homes.

Prime Minister Miro Cerar said in his answer to Grims that the Court of Audit did establish that each asylum seeker costs around 1900 euros a month. However, this figure also includes the cost of running asylum centres, the wages of those helping asylum seekers, and other expenses. He added that the cost of accommodating asylum seekers in private homes was 161,000 euros, and that 75 percent of that expense was paid for by EU funds. "The Court of Audit said that the money was spent appropriately," added Cerar.

Cerar also stressed that "homes intended for asylum seekers are equipped with materials in the lower-middle price range." However, he added that "it is only right that we take good care of those seeking asylum."

A. Č.; translated by D. V.