The Prime Minister’s office said that PM Miro Cerar supports every Slovenian candidate vying for such a prestigious post. Parliament Speaker Milan Brglez expressed a similar sentiment, stressing that such candidacies raise Slovenia’s international profile.
Karl Erjavec, Slovenia’s Foreign Minister and the head of the Pensioners’ Party (DeSUS), wished Peterle a successful candidacy. He believes that Peterle’s candidacy "benefits Slovenia’s foreign policy, but it is for MEPs to decide whether or not Peterle should become their next president". The conservative NSi has also endorsed Peterle.
Dejan Židan, the head of the coalition Social Democrats (SD), meanwhile said that the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (S&D) had already picked Italian Gianni Pittella as their candidate to succeed outgoing EP president Martin Schulz. Židan added that Pittella enjoys the support of his party.
SDS reluctant to endorse Peterle
The opposition Democrats (SDS) are not likely to endorse Peterle. SDS head Janez Janša said in a recent interview that "Peterle’s ego is bigger than his heart".
The centre-right European People’s Party (EPP) has four candidates lined up to succeed Schulz: Lojze Peterle, Alain Lamassoure, Mairead McGuinness, and Antonio Tajani.
L.L.; translated by D.V.