Prime Minister Alenka Bratušek explained after the meeting with President of the Republic Borut Pahor that she was willing to step down as Prime Minister, were there any possibility for snap elections before summer. Previously she intends to talk with the presidents of the other three coalition parties in order to do it without causing damage to Slovenia.
"Snap elections in Slovenia are a fact, and people should have the opportunity to say who they want at the helm of the state; who should form and, after all, keep the fate of Slovenia in their hands," says Bratušek. She intends to act responsibly, as hasty decisions could bring Slovenia more harm than good.
Pahor abstains from nominating a new mandatary
President Pahor informed Bratušek that considering the circumstances, after she lost the leadership of her own party, he is also in favour of the snap elections. Therefore he intends to forgo his constitutional right to suggest to the National Assembly a candidate for the President of Government.
Bratušek would like to actualize the set projects
In case the elections were postponed till autumn, Bratušek would like to actualize the projects already planned in the field of economy; certain steps would be necessary in health care, and negotiations on strategy of assets managements should be continued as well.
She expects the current ministers to stay with her till the end. She stressed that the situation in the country at the moment – including the budget, and its liquidity – does not induce panic due to snap elections.
No more a member of Positive Slovenia
"Today I sent an exit statement from Positive Slovenia Party," said Bratušek after her meeting with Pahor. Besides PM, 12 members of parliament left PS, two ministers, and three state secretaries. Peter Vilfan confirmed for MMC that they intend to form their own group of independent members of parliament.
Tina Hacler, MMC
Translated by G. K.