The skiing season is officially underway on the ski slopes overlooking Maribor. Foto: BoBo
The skiing season is officially underway on the ski slopes overlooking Maribor. Foto: BoBo

The winter ski season on the slopes overlooking Maribor opened on Sunday. Due to an annual refit, two ski slopes are currently open – but only on weekends. The operator of the Pohorje ski resort will open additional ski lifts this weekend, weather permitting.

Season tickets are available for sale now. An adult season ticket will set you back 300 euros, while a child's season ticket can be had for 190 euros.

The ski slopes overlooking Maribor are already covered in snow. As the past few winters have been mild, the Pohorje ski resort will also rely on artificial snow. On Thursday, Maribor city councillors decided that the Municipality of Maribor would stand surety for a loan that will allow Marprom, the operator of the Pohorje ski resort, to buy snow-grooming and snow-making equipment.

D. S.; translated by D. V.