Most of the young are still employed in temporary and precarious forms of work, often for low payment, so youth organisations want changes in operation of the inspection. Foto: Pixabay
Most of the young are still employed in temporary and precarious forms of work, often for low payment, so youth organisations want changes in operation of the inspection. Foto: Pixabay

This week the fate of the labour market reform will be clear. The last word will be given by politics, as the last week negotiations with the social partners miserably failed. The coalition appealed to Minister of Labour Anja Kopač Mrak to try to reach consensus with employers and unions in spite of that failure. The decision whether the tale of the reform is finished, or the legislation will change nevertheless, will be known not later than until the meeting of the government. There are many different interests - the representatives of the young mostly wish for change of the law on inspection.

Positive news on constantly diminishing unemployment rate notwithstanding, most of the young are still have precarious jobs, many with extremely low salaries, and very difficult work conditions. A new social group is being born- the group of poor young people.
"Especially the young people who are the most exposed to such forms of work are experiencing on our own skin the consequences. Every day we are facing a number of problems. Will I have a job tomorrow? What will happen if I fall ill? When will I be able to have a home of my own, buy an apartment? And - when will I be able to start a family?" the president of the Youth Council of Slovenia Tin Kampl explained.

"The young cannot gain independence when they have precarious jobs, temporary and unsafe forms of work. Employers force them to become independent entrepreneurs, which is not good for the economy, nor for the young," the representative of the Union of the young Tea Jarc added.
The young believe that this field would be best regulated by changing the law on labour inspection. "The first steps should be made in the field of supervision. Often we do have good laws, but in the end we fail in implementation and execution," Kampl explained.

"Once the inspectorate established that there are elements of a working relationship, but the contract is based on civil law or the work is done by an independent entrepreneur, it should be established that the contract for the undetermined period of time should be signed, and the worker in question employed - and that the employment was actually existing all the time," Jarc continued.
The young should get decent payment for decent work - and all the social partners participating in the negotiations should be aware of that.

Urška Valjavec, Radio Slovenija; translated by G. K.