Šentilj is the busiest exit point for refugees leaving Slovenia and wishing to continue their journey towards Austria. Foto: EPA
Šentilj is the busiest exit point for refugees leaving Slovenia and wishing to continue their journey towards Austria. Foto: EPA

According to the Maribor Police Directorate the Austrian will continue accepting more refugees today, however the temporary closure on the Austrian side has caused big crowds at the accommodation centre in Šentilj - early this morning there were 4,348 people there.
Temporary railway platform constructed
Šentilj is otherwise the busiest exit point for refugees leaving Slovenia and wishing to continue their journey towards Austria. A temporary railway platform has been constructed near the accommodation centre, which will relieve the town of Šentilj from the thousands of refugees that had to walk through the town to reach the refugee accommodation centre. It will also ease the flow of traffic in Šentilj. The new platform already welcomed the first train with refugees on Sunday morning.

Meanwhile the flow of refugees along the Balkan route is not slowing down. On Sunday thousands of more refugees were still making their way towards Europe.