15 reapers showed their skill. Foto: Gašper Stopar
15 reapers showed their skill. Foto: Gašper Stopar

It is a rare occasion to be able to see reapers skilled in harvesting wheat with sickles, which makes a harvest under the scorching rays of the sun as in old times a very interesting sight.

The traditional harvesting competition was opened by Dušan Strnad, the mayor of Ivančna Gorica. He is pleased that the old farming traditions are still being preserved; the work was done just as in the past when our ancestors had to work hard for a rich harvest.

Under vigilant supervision
In spite of the heat the visitors enjoyed observing the skill of 15 reapers, who swung their sickles under vigilant supervision of the jury. The speed of reaping, the thoroughness of the reapers, the tightness of sheaves, and all the other details were taken into account, and all together gave the final number of points.

In the special category, outside the competition, the evaluating committee also chose the best female and the best male reaper. In this category the speed of reaping was not essential; the most important were original clothing and tools, and the correct mode and precision of reaping. The best reapers became Marija Žakelj from Žužemberk and the local reaper Milan Trunkelj. "The best reapers reflect the traditional image of reapers, and their work," was explained by the municipality of Ivančna Gorica.

After the harvest was completed, the visitors were offered food and beverages, a lottery with rich prizes, and excellent mood encouraged by the Divja kri band (Wild blood) music.

T. H., foto: Gašper Stopar
Translated by G. K.