Most responsible for the flood of refugees around the world are the masters of war, those that ignite conflicts across the globe, is convinced Gombač. In his opinion EU's response to the issue is not adequate. Gombač believes that more funds and more effort can be put in to deal with the problem. The European Union is building its borders with the other part of the world at different levels. The union is always ready for action, which then only makes EU's walls even higher.
"We must not look at the issue of refugees as a cost. Solidarity is our human duty. We have to put effort in making the world more just, rather than allowing one percent of the population to acquire all the wealth while the rest of the population vegetates," Gombač is convinced.
If we consider the number of refugees Slovenia accepts, it then cannot be considered a society of solidarity. Gombač adds that on the other hand Slovenia has a whole range of NGOs, institutes and individuals, striving to change that.