Revoz in Novo mesto confirmed for MMC that production was relaunched after it was interrupted on Friday evening and Saturday morning due to a cyber-attack. Foto: BoBo
Revoz in Novo mesto confirmed for MMC that production was relaunched after it was interrupted on Friday evening and Saturday morning due to a cyber-attack. Foto: BoBo

On Sunday they managed to re-establish most of the connection after the information systems failure.

Seven more cyber-attacks besides the one against Revoz have been reported, but no successful attempt of breaking into information systems of the Slovenian official institutions were reported. Police and the Government Office for the Protection of Classified Information are monitoring the situation.

As reported in the Prva jutranja kronika informative show, the Renault factory in Douai in northern France today remained closed.

The extent of the Friday cyber-attacks, the largest so far, will become clear today. So far Europol noted 200,000 attacks in more than 150 countries, and it is to be expected that today, after getting to their work places, more people will learn that they had been victims of the cyber-attack.

K. T., MMC; translated by G. K.