Aljoša Rudaš with colleagues. Foto: Aljoša Rudaš
Aljoša Rudaš with colleagues. Foto: Aljoša Rudaš

For over a decade, Aljoša, who has a bachelor’s degree in pre-school education, has gained work experience in a Murska Sobota kindergarten. He worked at the kindergarten division Romano, in Pušča, which has a reputation of being a multicultural kindergarten in the Prekmurje region. This kindergarten division, located in a Roma settlement, has over fifty years of tradition and was the first Roma kindergarten in Slovenia. It is promoted as an example of good practice across Europe.

Aljoša will finish his post-graduate studies in July this year. Regarding the fact that this is the first generation of this master’s program, he and his colleagues have been offered the possibility to continue their studies in Haifa. The program of the research doctorate has already been presented to them. The program is to last approximately three years – two years in Israel and one year in their native country. Aljoša is still considering the idea, but says all options are still open.

Why do you continue with your studies in Israel and not in Slovenia?
I’m a person who seeks new challenges. I always set new goals. I felt that the time was right to step away from the kindergarten routine for a while and upgrade my knowledge in the field. This kind of program is still unknown in Slovenia. Some of the subjects are totally new and I’ve never even heard of them in Slovenia before. One of them completely captivated me. It’s the Parenting and Attachment program, in which I got to know so many new things, theories and views about the behavior of children and parents. I was used to these types of behavior in the kindergarten, but I never knew how to define them and how to appropriately react to them. Such subjects literally open new horizons for me; they broaden my perspective in this field.

Sandi Horvat/Radio Slovenija; translated by K. J.