The rooms are equipped with furniture from the 1970s, wiretapping devices for the entire region of Primorska, nodes of civil and military telephone lines as well as a room for relaxation. Foto: Televizija Slovenija
The rooms are equipped with furniture from the 1970s, wiretapping devices for the entire region of Primorska, nodes of civil and military telephone lines as well as a room for relaxation. Foto: Televizija Slovenija

Behind the door, the renovators found five rooms that had not been drawn on any of the existing construction plans and officially don’t exist. The rooms are equipped with furniture from the 1970s, wiretapping devices for the entire region of Primorska, nodes of civil and military telephone lines as well as a room for relaxation.

Several exits had been secretly constructed to leave the rooms, one of them leading through a shaft into the Postojna Cave.

It seems that the political and military leadership of former Yugoslavia decided to build a secret wiretapping nest in a secret part of Jama Hotel, which was being built in the 1970s. Agents recorded phone conversations in the region of Primorska until as late as Slovenia’s declaration of independence, leaving empty boxes with data about the recordings as well as a few documents, but most of the latter were taken away. The renovators have not yet broken in into the last, fifth room.

Barbara Renčof, Televizija Slovenija; translated by K. Z.