The State Secretary at the Ministry of Interior Boštjan Šefic says that protecting EU’s external borders must remain a priority, Foto: BoBo
The State Secretary at the Ministry of Interior Boštjan Šefic says that protecting EU’s external borders must remain a priority, Foto: BoBo

Almost 1,000 captured illegal migrants in the border area with Croatia every month is absolutely too much, and at the same time proof that Croatia, despite its efforts, is not doing its job the way it should. Therefore, according to the State Secretary at the Ministry of Interior, Boštjan Šefic, if the trend continues Slovenia will be forced to adopt certain measures "which won’t be easy, not for Slovenia or anyone, but in this case necessary", announced Šefic.
Croatia’s porous border represents a failure for the country, which wishes to join the Schengen area, and also for EU’ border agency Frontex, which should secure EU’s external borders. German and Austrian proposals lean towards the option of setting up Frontex patrols further north along the Slovenia-Croatia border. Šefic says that Slovenia’s position is clear: "Frontex has to protect EU’s external borders. But of course, if EU’s external border has already fallen and we don’t have enough of our own resources, in that case we would welcome Frontex activities along our border."
As in the year 2015, Slovenia could also call on the help of the police forces of neighbouring countries. However, Šefic says that protecting EU’s external borders must remain a priority, as we need to know who is coming into the European Union and with what kind of intention. He adds that if we are not successful in this, drastic measures may follow. Some, perhaps, even in the coming months.