Torrents and rainwater flooded several hundred houses. Photo: Danijel Poslek Foto:
Torrents and rainwater flooded several hundred houses. Photo: Danijel Poslek Foto:

Having to clean rainwater shafts and pump water from basements, firefighters had quite a lot of work in the region of Štajerska, the Slovenian Styria – hundreds of buildings were flooded. On Saturday night, more than 250 firefighters and members of civil defence helped residents in the municipalities of Ptuj, Hajdina and Kidričevo.

In the area of Ptuj and its vicinity, 150 litres of water fell per square meter within a mere few hours, which is twice as much as it is usual for the entire month of May. Firefighters filled 600 flood bags with sand and placed them in critical places as well as distributed them to locals. Hail also struck in the area a full five times within a few short hours.