According to the report, more suitable strategic-guidance documents and legal bases for regulating this field should be provided for the most effective operation of key stakeholders in the security system.
The government acknowledges that there are several issues in the security and intelligence sector. For example, we do not have a national strategy for preventing terrorism and violent extremism. The report also draws attention to the absence, inadequacy, and deficiency of some other legal basis.
A working group has already been established, which should prepare an appropriate solution for both open questions and for the renewal of a national security strategy within three months. There are supposed to be three major changes. The most important ones are changes in the activities of the Slovenian Intelligence and security agency and new competencies, which are also supported by the new director of Slovene intelligence and security agency.
Several changes will also be needed in the functioning and authority of the police, and there is also the possibility of setting up a new body. Larger countries usually have two intelligence and security services, one is responsible for identifying threats to national security, and the other one for threats originating from abroad. Foreign experiences have shown that such solutions are not optimal for various reasons, especially in the field of data exchange and processing information. However, new power brings new difficulties. The solution, as the former director of Slovene intelligence and security agency, Andrej Rupnik says, is also planning on changing the law about the Slovene intelligence and security agency.
The government also says that they will be able to work out all the possibilities of supervision and prepare a broad public debate on the most optional and effective solution even before the acceptance of the amendments.