The campaigners need to collect at least 40,000 signatures. Foto: BoBo
The campaigners need to collect at least 40,000 signatures. Foto: BoBo

On Wednesday, Radio Študent filed a motion to gather signatures for a referendum to challenge the recent amendments to the Defence Act that would give the Slovenian army emergency police powers. The recently adopted amendments would enable the army to help police control the country’s border.

The campaigners need to collect at least 40,000 signatures. Parliament Speaker Milan Brglez decided that signatures may be gathered between November 2 and December 6.

Opening the issue for public debate
The campaigners maintain that the amendments would open the door for the militarization of Slovenia. Martina Dervarič, editor-in-chief of Radio Študent, said on Wednesday that they are happy that the process is underway. The campaigners believe that this will spark a public debate on the issue.

T. H.; translated by D. V.