The 60-centimetre-high base layer of snow enables the use of two ski slopes, Sedlo and Prevala. The resort will operate every weekend until 10 December, when both the Slovenian as well as the Italian sides will probably start operating every day. Until then, the ride with the circular cabin way will also be shorter and will take 35 minutes.
The effort and night-time snow grooming to prevent the Bora wind from blowing away the snow have paid off. Skiers – Italians and Austrians in addition to locals – love the slopes.
“It’s great they managed to open so soon. We currently live in Italy. It’s fantastic to be able to enjoy natural snow, which is winter-like and fully groomed,” shares 6-year-old Niko enthusiastically. The technical head of the resort Jernej Kravanja expects the snow – about a metre has fallen so far – to stick.
“In principle, the snow can last throughout winter if the temperatures are favourable. The forecast for Sunday and Monday promises some more snow, so we’re hoping to open the Skripi slope, too. We’ve already taken care of the slopes in the summer, too, by widening ski runs and cleaning the edges with an excavator. The runs are wider, which makes skiing even nicer.”
During weekdays up until 10 December, final works by the delivery cableway will be carried out, while the slopes will be open from Friday to Sunday – this weekend still at discounted prices.