Matic Noč has been practicing slacklining for approximately four years. Foto: Borut Živulović/BoBo
Matic Noč has been practicing slacklining for approximately four years. Foto: Borut Živulović/BoBo

The slackline was anchored 20 metres above the ground, and the third-year student of physics, who is also one of the best slackliners in Slovenia, managed the task which would be unimaginable for a "regular person".

Noč, who boasts with the longest crossed distance above ground, water, or precipice, as the Faculty reported, went first, and was then joined by other slackliners.

Noč has been practicing slacklining for approximately four years: "It is a tough sport discipline requiring a lot of time to overcome fear of heights or the feeling of instability on the line strung high." He claims that very good mental preparation always plays an important role.

This event in combination with the student picnic is announcing the approach of the summer exam period, elections for the new University of Ljubljana chancellor, and exactly 931 days left to the 100th anniversary of the University of Ljubljana, the Faculty reported.

D. S. MMC; photo: BoBo; translated by G. K.