With his excellent winning streak, Peter Prevc would have easily lead Slovenia to third place, had it not been for bad luck with the wind. Foto: EPA
With his excellent winning streak, Peter Prevc would have easily lead Slovenia to third place, had it not been for bad luck with the wind. Foto: EPA

The German team won, followed by Norway and Austria in third place. Slovenia drew a short straw in the wind lottery. The first Slovenian competitor, Jurij Tepeš, jumped 134 metres. Robert Kranjec landed at 111 metres with wind to his back resulting in a failed jump. Domen Prevc, on the other hand, performed an excellent jump, landing by the 145.5- metre mark in the next round.

His brother Peter, the winner of New Year's tour, jumped 124 metres, also in poor conditions with gusty wind changing directions. The jump of the day on the Willingen ski hill - the world's largest in the category of ski jumps - was performed by Severin Freund (Germany), who landed at 149 metres. Before the final round, the organising committee soon realised that the weather conditions were too dangerous and cancelled the final. The programme at Willingen will conclude on Sunday with individual competition.

Among Slovenian team members, Jurij Tepeš showed the best jump in Friday's qualification series. In addition to brothers Prevc, who have already secured their places in the match, Robert Kranjec, Andraž Pograjc and Anže Lanišek have also qualified for Sunday's spectacle.

T. O., MMC; translated by K. Z.