Foreign tourists generated almost 433,000 arrivals and more than 1 million overnight stays. Domestic tourists generated almost 138,000 arrivals and almost 406,000 overnight stays. Foreign tourists generated almost 72% of all overnight stays in June.
Tourists from Germany generated the most overnight stays
Key markets, from which the most foreign tourists who generated the most overnight stays in Slovenia came, were Germany (14% or almost 145,000), Austria (9%), Italy (8%), the United Kingdom (6%), the Netherlands (5%) and the Czech Republic (4%).
In June most tourists stayed in hotels
More than 694,000 or 48% of all overnight stays were made in hotels, 14% in apartment settlements, 14% in campsites, 5% in private accommodations – rented rooms, dwellings, and 5% in youth hostels.
The most overnight stays in June in mountain resorts
The highest number of tourist overnight stays in June 2018 (29% or almost 419,000) was recorded in mountain resorts, seaside resorts (23%), followed by health (spa) resorts (19%), and municipality Ljubljana (13%).