Public debt, however, is still high, a good 31.5 million euros, which represents almost 80 per cent of Slovenia’s GDP. Foto: Reuters
Public debt, however, is still high, a good 31.5 million euros, which represents almost 80 per cent of Slovenia’s GDP. Foto: Reuters

Positive trends have also had a positive effect on the state of publis finances: last year the deficit stood at 1.5% of GDP, which amounts to a good 600 million euros. Moreover, public debt is on the decrease.

Export, private consumption, employment, wages – all curves are turned upwards. A mosaic of encouraging indexes points to a growth of 3.6% in 2017 and 3.2% in 2018, explains UMAR chief Boštjan Vasle.

Total investment consumption is set to increase by a good 3 per cent due to renewed public investments, which had come to a standstill in 2016. Export-oriented companies are increasing their market shares and thus need more employees, the only exception being construction industry.

Slovenians have higher incomes at their disposal, which is why they are shopping more, optimism is returning. Public finances are in a better position, too. The government managed to decrease the deficit to 1.5% of GDP, from one billion to 600 million euros, informs Peter Šteber from the Statistical Office.

Public debt, however, is still high, a good 31.5 million euros, which represents almost 80 per cent of Slovenia’s GDP.

Zdenka Bakalar, Radio Slovenija; translated by K. Z.