The film’s characters will be portrayed in a cartoon-like manner and will be suitable for young audiences. They will also be humorous, since the book contains considerable wit. Foto: Strup produkcija
The film’s characters will be portrayed in a cartoon-like manner and will be suitable for young audiences. They will also be humorous, since the book contains considerable wit. Foto: Strup produkcija
Martin Krpan
Martin Krpan and Levstik's other classic characters from the story have received a decidedly modern makeover in their first animated film. Foto: Strup produkcija
Martin Krpan
Animation is an ideal way of bringing Levstik's story, which is often read in elementary schools, closer to young audiences Foto: Strup produkcija

Martin Krpan and Levstik's other classic characters from the story have received a decidedly modern makeover in their first animated film. The author responsible for their appearances is NATANesku, while Zarja Menart, Iztok Šuc, Timon Leder, Toni Mlakar, and Matej Lavrenčič were responsible for the film's dynamic and witty animation. "Krpan remains supernaturally strong, but he is also likeably wacky, as is his mare and the other characters in the cartoon," says the Strup Productions team.

This is not Kralj's Martin Krpan
The author of the most famous likeness of Martin Krpan is the artist Tone Kralj, but when viewed from a child's perspective, his illustrations may seem mature, overly serious, and even frightening to many.

The film's director, Nejc Saje, explains that he was determined to give Krpan a new, fresh appearance from the outset. The film's characters will be portrayed in a cartoon-like manner and will be suitable for young audiences. They will also be humorous, since the book contains considerable wit.

Animation is an ideal way of bringing Levstik's story, which is often read in elementary schools, closer to young audiences. "We have such wonderful stories with a lot of wit and it would be a pity if they weren't a part of Slovenia's animation output," adds Saje.

The animated film Martin Krpan uses "a professional language-based didactic process to popularize the original story and preserve a part of Slovene's literary heritage." The characters' voices have been supplied by Slovenian actors as well as radio personalities and musical artists -- Sebastijan Cavazza, Jernej Kuntner, Primož Pirnat, Katja Šoltes, Jaka Ivanc, and Klemen Klemen.

The animated film officially premiered at this year's 20th Festival of Slovenian Film. It has already been screened at several festivals, including most recently at the Eighth Festival of European and Mediterranean Film. Several days ago, it was shown in the Slovenian Cinematheque as a part of its Animateka program to mark the International Animation Day.

Levstik's Martin Krpan was Slovenia's first literary tale. The story has been published in various illustrated books, has frequently been staged, was the subject of a comic book, and has been published on sound carriers.