Distinguished Slovenian jurists unanimously support Slovenia's politics in the case of implementing the border arbitration award. Foto: BoBo
Distinguished Slovenian jurists unanimously support Slovenia's politics in the case of implementing the border arbitration award. Foto: BoBo

In the public call for the implementation of the border arbitration award, addressed to Croatia's President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović, PM Andrej Plenković, Parliamentary Speaker Gordan Jandroković, and to all their Croatian colleagues, the esteemed members of Slovenia's legal society demanded that Croatia, in cooperation with Slovenia, consistently implements the border arbitration award which is final and legally binding. It also called on Croatia to immediately stop violating the Arbitration Agreement, the arbitration award and EU secondary legislation. They furthermore called on Croatia to ensure the respect of core EU values - most important of which is the rule of law - and to respect the principle of loyal cooperation.
"Sadly, even in our profession, it rarely happens for a consensus to be reached, especially among jurists. But this time we all agree, regardless of the fact that in the past some of us did have second thoughts about the content of the Arbitration Agreement. Now we are all unified that the arbitration award was handed down, that it is a part of international and EU law, and that both parties must absolutely and unconditionally respect it," said jurist Marko Pavliha to MMC.