Temperatures will once again exceed 30 degrees Celsius. Foto: BoBo
Temperatures will once again exceed 30 degrees Celsius. Foto: BoBo

The Environment Agency (ARSO) has issued a heat advisory, mostly for low-lying areas in the Primorska region. The advisory is in effect for the next few days. Temperatures are expected to reach 34 degrees and will be about two degrees higher in the Vipava Valley and the Goriška area.

ARSO adds that the heat over the next few days will remain in the “moderate” range. In most of the country, the highs will range between 30 and 34 degrees Celsius. “Because of weak Bora winds, the heat will be the most severe in the Goriška region and the Vipava Valley, where high temperatures will reach around 36 degrees Celsius. Accumulated heat will result in higher morning low temperatures than usual. People in urban centers and the Primorska region will face the most pronounced effects of the heat, especially because the morning lows will not drop below 20 degrees Celsius,” warns ARSO.

A cooldown of a few degrees will reach Slovenia on Thursday or Friday. During the heat wave, isolated afternoon thunderstorms are possible in the late afternoons or in the evenings, especially in mountainous areas.