The new Slovenian record for the Guinness Book of Records was set by accordionist Bojan Kovačič. Foto: RTV SLO
The new Slovenian record for the Guinness Book of Records was set by accordionist Bojan Kovačič. Foto: RTV SLO

Bojan Kovačič, a professor at the Faculty of Education Maribor, and an accordionist from Prlekija, on Friday evening took up a very difficult task: to play piano accordion for at least 42 hours and a half, and thus break all previously set records. On Sunday at 12.30 the task he had set for himself was completed, and thus won his place in the Guinness Book of World Records.
Half an hour before the beginning of the trial the preparations had not been finished yet: Bojan Kovačič had to stretch his fingers, and to test the accordion, naturally. "I used to be a musician, but then I took a long break from music lasting approximately fifteen years. The desire to start playing the accordion more seriously came back, and prompted me to try and break this record," Kovačič explained before the beginning of the trial.
In order to break the official world record, Kovačič had to play continuously for 31 hours and 25 seconds. But after reaching his goal, i.e. 42 hours and a half, he just kept playing!