Alen Omić had the best game of the qualification round, adding 9 jumps to 15 points. Foto:
Alen Omić had the best game of the qualification round, adding 9 jumps to 15 points. Foto:

Goran Dragić scored 22 points, 15 already in the first half-time, when Miha Lapornik was also "hot", scoring three 3-pointers. In the second half-time, Alen Omić (15 points and 9 jumps) and Klemen Prepelič (15 points and 6 assists) were also on the roll. Slovenia, who had to qualify for the European championship for the first time after 12 years, has thus won six matches in Group E, earning the group's first place and thus securing a better position in the drum draw for the championship.

After a bad start partial ... result 12:0
At half-time, the result stood at 36:42. Ukraine scored the first seven points, to which Slovenia responded with a partial result of 0:12. The driving force behind the turnover was Goran Dragić with 10 points. Just before the first ten minutes ran out, Ukraine hit its fourth 3-pointer and won the first quartet by 17:15. In the second quarter, the Slovenian team also excelled in shots from a distance – Miha Lapornik scored another three 3-pointers, and Slovenia's highest lead rose to eight points (29:37). The result at half-time was set by Dragić with three successful free throws in a row.

Only 100 points for Slovenia in 3rd quarter
In the third quarter, Slovenia did not manage to score until four minutes into the game, and it became apparent there would be problems in defence. The players made too many mistakes and only managed to win eleven points. Ukraine seized the opportunity, scored from all positions and dominated in jump shots as well (jump after three quarters 33:28), starting the last quarter in lead position with 55:53. Moreover, Slovenian players had trouble with personal fouls.

Omić and Prepelić jump to rescue in 4th quarter
However, Slovenian head coach Igor Kokoškov managed to "find" the right players on time to join Dragić in filling Ukraine's basket, with Alen Omić and Klemen Prepelič taking the initiative. After a firework of 3 pointers, Prepelič brought Slovenia into the lead (63:66), while Omić threw in two more free throws for 63:68. At the start of the penultimate minute, Prepelič increased Slovenia's advantage to ten points (65:75). A little later, the difference jumped to 12 points.

Luka Lapornik: "We were confused at the beginning and let Ukrainians score easy points. We also didn't manage to get the shots right, and we lost the possession of the ball many times. After two opponent's attacks, our play became smoother; we managed to block their centres. It didn't look well at the beginning of the second half-rime, but with aggressive defence and smart playing we still won deservedly."

Klemen Prepelič: "Physically, the match was very demanding, particularly due to two strong giants under the basket. Despite our smaller team, we have shown that Slovenia has great potential and that we can expect a good story at the European championship next year. With a 100% realisation in six matches, we've proven we are to be taken seriously."

T. O., MMC; translated by K. Z.