Besides skis and other equipment, there was also a road bike on rollers. Tina Maze will use it for gaining the necessary condition. The subpoena Massi received during the Golden Fox competition in Kranjska Gora is still considered fresh news. Maruša Ferk brought an action against him on account of the incident at the last year's World Championship in Schladming. Massi gave a brief statement at the Brnik Airport: "I don't know what that is about. Neither I personally, nor my team has any dispute with Maruša Ferk, except that I told her she should learn to greet Tina Maze and our physiotherapist Nežka Poljanšek, who is older than her."
The Ski Association of Slovenia stress that Ferk's is a private lawsuit. "The Ski Association of Slovenia is trying to help, and it is our wish to solve this problem by reaching an agreement, and in a sporting spirit," concludes SAS.
The first to gather at the Airport were ski jumpers, and their selector Goran Janus. "It's a very short flight of three hours only, and the time difference is three hours as well. This is a short voyage, but as these are Olympic Winter Games, we are happy to go," said Janus before the departure. He added that the ski jumpers are used to travelling, and to more distant destinations – they have just returned from Japan.
The Slovenian ski jumpers are familiar with the Olympic ski jumps from last year. In Sochi two days of rest are scheduled for them, and then the final training before the match. "Considering that our performance at the 90-m ski jump was not the best, I am confident this year we will do better. We are more familiar with the large ski jump, and we regret that at the Olympic Winter Games we don't compete on a giant ski jump," Janus added.
"I expect great changes from the last year. Last year it looked like a construction site," said Peter Prevc, presently the best Slovenian ski jumper, of his expectations before the match. "It is great that we have enough time to get the needed rest before the match. We can also try something new, and improve some things."
The group was joined by the cross-country skiers, the athletes competing in Nordic combination, and a part of the snowboarding team.