The participants were blindfolded for one of the events. Foto: Reuters
The participants were blindfolded for one of the events. Foto: Reuters

It took Zupanc only 6.9 seconds to solve a Rubik's cube. His average of five solves was 8.55 seconds. The participants competed in the following events: from 2x2 all the way to 7x7, megaminx, pyraminx, skewb, and Rubik's Clock. They also tried solving a 3x3 blindfolded and with one hand tied behind their backs.

Zupanc also won the 2x2, 3x3, and blindfolded events. Mattia Furlan from Italy bagged the most victories, 4.

Ranked among the best in the world
At the Euro 2016 competition, Zupanc improved his personal record to 6.06 seconds. The World Cube Association currently ranks him as the 26th fastest Rubik's cube solver in the world. The current world record-holder is Mats Valk from the Netherlands, who solved a Rubik's cube in 4.74 seconds.

The Ljubljana Open 2016 competition attracted participants from Slovenia, Hungary, Italy, Croatia, and Tunisia. The organizers said they are very happy with how the event turned out, and they plan to organize an even bigger event in the future.

The Rubik's cube was invented in 1974 by Ernő Rubik, a Hungarian sculptor, inventor and architect. He named it the Magic Cube, but in 1980 it was renamed the Rubik's cube. It is still one of the most popular puzzles in the world.

P. B.; translated by D. V.