Last year they hosted, among others, basketball teams from England, Sweden, Italy, and Hungary, and judo teams from Bulgaria, and Algeria. For a number of years Slovenian national teams and young athletes from the countries of the former Yugoslavia have been holding their preparations at the foot of Uršlja gora. Foto: Bobo
Last year they hosted, among others, basketball teams from England, Sweden, Italy, and Hungary, and judo teams from Bulgaria, and Algeria. For a number of years Slovenian national teams and young athletes from the countries of the former Yugoslavia have been holding their preparations at the foot of Uršlja gora. Foto: Bobo

The number of tourist overnight stays in the municipality of Slovenj Gradec last year increased by 2%, while the number of overnight stays in the Youth Hostel increased by 4%. This town in the Koroška region often hosts preparation of a number of domestic and foreign athletes, especially in summer time, and it offers cultural and experiential tourism as well.

Last year they hosted, among others, basketball teams from England, Sweden, Italy, and Hungary, and judo teams from Bulgaria, and Algeria. For a number of years Slovenian national teams and young athletes from the countries of the former Yugoslavia have been holding their preparations at the foot of Uršlja gora.

Young athletes mostly reside at the Youth Hostel; all 56 available beds are usually taken all summer. Thus in 2015 the Slovenj Gradec Hostel had 8,150 overnight stays, and the average occupancy was over 37%.

Compared to 2014, the number of overnight stays in the Youth Hostel grew by 884, i.e. the average occupancy grew by 4.2%, as explained Marija Lah from the Slovenj Gradec Tourist Office under the auspices of the Spotur public institute.

More foreign than domestic guests
The available statistical data, which however do not include accommodation facilities with less than 10 beds, show that last year until the end of November the total number of tourist overnight stays in the municipality of Slovenj Gradec was 25,858, i.e. 2% more than in the same period of 2014. Lah expects that the number for the entire year 2015 will be by 2% higher than in 2014. The number of foreign tourists is somewhat higher than the number of domestic guests. The annual average number of beds in Slovenj Gradec last year was 395.
Besides the sport tourism, which is on an increase, Lah singles out guests looking for experiences in nature combined with cultural tourism. "Primarily we offer hiking and cycling routes, unspoiled nature, and tourist farms, combined with the offer within the city centre – cultural tourism combined with adventure," Lah explained.

A short promotional film has been made on Slovenj Gradec presenting tourist offer for the young. It is supplementing the project addressing young people, introduced last year by Slovenj Guidec, a folder printed in two languages. With this project they wish to encourage the young to recognize their skills and free-time activities as potential tourist-entrepreneurial ideas for employment, and simultaneously it offers experiences encouraging the young towards greater mobility.

T. H.
Translated by G. K.