The long-time trainer Janez Šmitek:
The long-time trainer Janez Šmitek: "Slovenian skiing situation is at the same level as 40 years ago." Foto:

"A couple of days ago I spoke with Jure Košir about the state of Slovenian skiing. I told him the situation was just as it was 40 years ago, which afterwards improved dramatically. Now we are facing a downfall trend for some years in a row. There is less and less money, and the conditions are deteriorating. It is a wonder that so many competitors and trainers keep the will to continue in such conditions," explained the long-time trainer Janez Šmitek. Iztok Klančnik, Ilka Štuhec and Klemen Kosi were also present at the studio.
Self-management is not a suitable system
"We have a number of boards, panels etc. in Slovenian alpine skiing. I call such system self-management, which has however proved to be extremely unsuccessful. When I was a trainer in France, we had one meeting with the then president Michel Vion. It was our duty to prepare reports and plans for the next season, and that was the only meeting we had. A trainer has to give account for his work, but is not obliged to participate at all kind of meetings. A change would be welcome also at the Slovenian Ski Association," emphasized one of the most respectable Slovenian ski trainers.
Šmitek has his doubts about Maze's comeback
"I would like Massi to take charge of one of the national teams. But he should have a tangible, concrete function. If Tina Maze decides to come back, which I doubt, he will have other work to do. He is the right person for physical preparation, which is absolutely necessary," Šmitek said.