A scene from the campaign, still remembered by many Slovenian. Foto: YouTube
A scene from the campaign, still remembered by many Slovenian. Foto: YouTube

The creators have been awarded the Order of Merit of the Republic of Slovenia for their outstanding contribution to Slovenian marketing communications industry, and establishment of modern Slovenian national character, and self-confidence.

Slovenia, My Country is the slogan from the tourist advertisement campaign from the middle of the 80s of the previous century. The argument for bestowing the decoration was that it was much more than a slogan: "It speaks of optimism and energy with which Slovenians rejected the greyness and lethargy of the then social conditions. It will be kept within the historical memory as a popular campaign which captured the hearts of the Slovenians, and played a part in changing the mood."

The campaign was designed exclusively for the promotion of Slovenian tourism, but has achieved much more. "By presenting the beauties of the Slovenian country and appealing to Slovenians to remain faithful to their tradition of hospitality, and to welcome foreigners into their tidy, clean and beautiful country, the campaign made a breakthrough in the implementation of the right to expression of national ambitions in economic and other fields,” the explanation reads.

The appeal to aim high was addressed to Slovenians by creators who themselves had been among the best. They had created a number of attention-grabbing short TV and radio advertisements, accompanied by articles, posters, postcards, and personal mail. The most famous was the TV film Guests are coming. Its quality was confirmed also at the Berlin Tourism Film Festival, where it was awarded the highest acknowledgment.

D. S., translated by G. K.