Old furniture was included in the modern concept. Foto: Hotel Maribor
Old furniture was included in the modern concept. Foto: Hotel Maribor
View from the hotel room. Foto: Hotel Maribor
Young chef Gregor Jager will provide culinary pleasures. Foto: Hotel Maribor
A bedroom. Foto: Hotel Maribor

The challenge was taken up by the entrepreneur Saša Arsenović, director and owner of the Galerija Gosposka company, who already owns a catering complex, the very popular Rožmarin in Maribor, and is renovated the crumbling Žički dvor, and another building in Lent.

Arsenović explained that in his ventures he always searches business opportunities connected with revival of Maribor. He wants to create a quality environment for both local inhabitants, and visitors. Therefore, he considers the cultural heritage of the city of utmost importance, but the restoration of the original appearance of a building must not be the only goal; it should be also given the modern character and adequate contents, sustainable in present conditions. "Old building should be preserved, but given new content," claims Gregor Reichenberg, the architect involved in the project.

From brewery to hotel
The buildings at the Koroška cesta street, no. 2 and 4, brewery in the 18th century, owned by the renown Maribor family of brewers Tscheligi, was later turned into Koper restaurant and residential apartment. In 2010, when he bought the buildings, both were in very poor condition, as they were left to decay in spite of their location in the centre of the medieval city centre. A number of experts cooperated at the renovation which took more than five years, including the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage.

"I am pleased that we were able to establish good and creative collaboration with the institute, as many consider the prospect of such collaboration scary. We can be proud of the result we achieved with joint efforts," Arsenović explained.

"We can only wish for such investors, with such understanding for the cultural heritage of our city," Alenka Zupan from the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage Maribor explained. She suggested Arsenović for the Stele Award, which is awarded for outstanding achievements in the conservation and restoration.

As one of the excellent, but also initially risky solutions she underlined the renovation of the ruined roof by using the innovative system of compact external roof shades which allow functional use of garret. The building statics was fortified by casting concrete below the supporting walls, and by digging a new cellar in the yard. All the old supporting walls were fortified, and all the meaningful old structures were preserved, including portals, stone walls, and cross vaults with supporting columns.

Certain pieces of old furniture found among the rubbish in the building were put to creative use as well – the old parquet was used for table tops, lights came from the former TVT Boris Kidrič factory, and a hundred years old gramophone plays the music.

Chef bets on tradition
The lower part of the renovated building was turned into the Gostilna Maribor restaurant with seats 350 people and will open on April 22. Chef Gregor Jager (he had perfected his skills across the border, in the famous Die Weinbank restaurant) intends to blend the local cuisine with modern trends.

As far as drinks are concerned, the emphasize will be on beer and local spirits. The cafe next to the restaurant is already accepting guests. The upper part of the building is turned into a hotel. Hotel Maribor consists of 11 deluxe apartments with 46 beds, and the first month of its operation has already brought excellent response.

The entire complex consists of 3,500 square metres on five floors, and brought 30 new jobs. Arsenović doesn't want to speak about the cost. "But it is definitely much more than I expected," was his only comment.

K. S.
Translated by G. K.