SVIZ has demanded a raise in the basic pay of teachers. Foto: BoBo
SVIZ has demanded a raise in the basic pay of teachers. Foto: BoBo

The president of the 53-member Executive Board Jelka Velički explained that the union members will cast their ballots in 767 institutions between December 6 and 13. The general strike will take place if more than half of the institutions vote in favor of the strike.

SVIZ has demanded a raise in the basic pay of teachers and other educators from kindergarten to the university level, as well as better compensation for classwork and 1200 euros of gross vacation allowance for all employees whose pay is lower than or equal to the minimum wage, as well as the right to take part in collective bargaining in the field of education.

"We have no other options but to pressure the government to do what it is supposed to do – to start talking to us about our demands," said SVIZ General Secretary Branimir Štrukelj.