According to data from the Slovenian Surveying and Mapping Authority (GURS) British citizens own 1.348 real estates in Slovenia. The most popular location is Tolnin. Foto: BoBo
According to data from the Slovenian Surveying and Mapping Authority (GURS) British citizens own 1.348 real estates in Slovenia. The most popular location is Tolnin. Foto: BoBo

According to the Slovenian Ministry of Interior 484 British citizens have a place of residence in Slovenia. 186 of them have permanent residence while 298 have temporary residence. All of them stand to lose their rights of freedom of movement and residence as EU citizens.

"In the case that Great Britain exits the European Union, British citizens would have to obtain temporary residence permits in accordance to the Aliens Act, which regulates the issuing of residence permits for third-country nationals," informs the Slovenian Ministry of Interior.

The majority of British-owned real estate in Tolmin
British real estate purchases in Europe could also become more complicated. EU citizens have free access to real estate in other EU member states, while third-country nationals face a number of restrictions. However, there is more British-owned property than actual British citizens living in Slovenia. According to data from the Slovenian Surveying and Mapping Authority (GURS) British citizens own 1.348 real estates in Slovenia. 1.319 are owned by individuals and 29 by legal entities. The most popular locations are not Ljubljana, Maribor or Portorož, but Tolmin, Moravske toplice and Bohinj.