Numerous crisis areas never get media attention, while some only get attention for a very short period. Foto: UNICEF
Numerous crisis areas never get media attention, while some only get attention for a very short period. Foto: UNICEF
"No child should be forgotten, no matter where he is" says Boštjan Nachbar. He will lend his voice to children from conflict areas, as their voices are seldom heard. Foto: UNICEF

Slovenia has joined five other European countries in a joint campaign by the European Union and UNICEF called "Voices of Children in Emergencies". The campaign aims is to draw attention to the destinies of millions of children around the world, living through natural disasters and armed conflicts. Children in conflict areas are most vulnerable, as they face diseases, malnutrition, exploitation, abuse and traumas which stay with them all their lives and have devastating effects on the whole society.

Numerous crisis areas never get media attention, while some only get attention for a very short period. However, the needs of children in those areas remain great and keep growing. The above-mentioned campaign enables children hit by natural disasters, conflicts, food crises and political uncertainties, to present their stories to the public.

Known faces bring children's stories to the forefront
Many known faces from the world of sports and entertainment have joined the campaign. They'll be bringing the tragic stories of children from conflict areas to the forefront. They'll help them become heard and seen. The leading face of the campaign is actor Ewan McGregor. Slovenia's basketball player Boštjan Nachbar has also joined the campaign.

Nachbar will lend his social network profiles to the children of Chad, where malnutrition threatens one third of the children. In July he will also visit Chad and meet with children to be able to present their stories in a more personal way. "No child should be forgotten, no matter where he is. That is why I was more than happy to lend my voice to children from crisis areas. Although the attention these areas get from the media and public dies down, the fight for children in forgotten conflict areas never ends. I also hope that people don't forget the children from the flooded regions in the Balkans after just a few months," said Nachbar.

UNICEF's Goodwill Ambassador Ewan McGregor recorded a special video with a little boy called Mustafa, a refugee from Syria. McGregor is calling on his friends and social network followers to also lend their voices to Mustafa and other children from conflict areas, in order for them to tell their stories aloud. “Millions of innocent children around the world are trapped in crisis areas,”said the actor and added:”I am honored to be able to lend them my voice. Every child has the right to be heard on matters that affect him.”
We can all help the children from crisis areas and lend them our voices. We can share stories on social networks at The children will thus tell their stories aloud.

"Help them by making their voices heard."
The European Union also joined the campaign. Kristalina Georgieva, the EU Commissioner for International Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Response, said at the occasion: "the European Union and UNICEF are helping millions of children affected by emergencies every year. We ensure that urgently needed aid reaches them. We deliver hope. But we can only do so if the fears and concerns, brave struggles, dreams and aspirations of these girls and boys are heard. Let’s all help them raise their voices!"